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Merry Christmas

This year I had the opportunity to work for an organization that works with at-risk youth. These are youth, who some, where either in prison, had just left prison or where awaiting trial. Others were from broken family backgrounds were finding it hard to cope and others were just looking for a place to belong. Initially, I was nervous about working with people who had criminal records. I had preconceived ideas about what I thought that looked like. However, the experience was nothing like what I thought. Over time I was able to interact with some of the youth, I got to hear their stories, and for some, I got to witness their transformation. This was life changing for me. I learned what true empathy and compassion looks like and to never judge a person by their past, people really do have the ability to transform and become completely different. 

I particularly admired the facilitators who worked with and mentored the youth. Their work is not easy. A lot of the time they dealt with youth who although wanted change were still caught between old habits and future aspirations. Some still wanted the benefits of being part of their gang but without the consequences. I saw how the facilitators would miss out on family and personal time to be there for the youth. To take them to school in the morning, sit with them in court all day or to attend their graduations.

Regardless of how many times the youth messed up the facilitators were always there to love and encourage them and to assure them that everything would be okay if they persevered and kept on the right track. They assured them that if they stayed the course their life would change. 

Working with this organization really made me check my heart daily. I realized how much ugly was in me and how I, like these youth was in constant need of God's grace. It was a reflection of how even at our worst Christ still chooses to come look for us, He never stops loving us.  Just like how the facilitators kept pursuing the youth regardless of how many times they failed or went back to their old ways, Christ loves and pursues us in our sinful state. He is patient with us while we are going through changes and never stops loving us. 

During this Christmas season let us remember that we are never "too far gone" for God to love us, His grace is sufficient. Let us also remember to love and show compassion to others and to not give up to quickly on people while they are on their journey to become better. We are loved and in need of the same grace that the Father gives us daily.

Merry Christmas 

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