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giving back

Project29 was inspired by my parents. They have always been big givers, whether they give off their money, time or sharing their home with those in need. They modelled this as a lifestyle to me and something of great importance. This is my way of honouring them and continuing their legacy. 

Interested Student

sponsor a bag

We recently raised funds for 100 backpacks for the students. The bags come with a solar powered light that will serve as illumination when they walk in the dark, and can be removed from the bag and serve as safe lighting for their homes.

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Support a child to write an exam

This September we want to highlight and offer support to an incredible organization, FACEZ (Fund A Child's Education Zimbabwe) Education Fund.  Started in 2012 by Lisa Chiriseri, FACEZ Education Fund aims to increase access to education to children from marginalized communities. 


FACEZ currently has 10 students (9 O'Level and 1 A'Level) who will be writing their exams in 2019 and will be in need of exam fees. The O'level students have about 7 - 10 subjects, each costing $15 per subject.  The  A'level has 3 subjects, each costing $26 per subjects.


Send a girl to school

The first fundraising campaign for Project29 started in September 2017. The campaign raised enough funds for 30 students at Nyarutombo Primary School in Zimbabwe to have their fees paid for a year, as well as school uniforms and snacks for some of the students.

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